A Fun Opportunity

This weekend, I was invited to a Christian Men's Conference at my church. He had asked me to take photographs at the event so they would have memories of the event, as well as material for using in future conferences and other marketing material. I jumped at the opportunity, because I saw it as a win-win-win. I got to build friendships, check out some cool stuff, and I got to take photos, what's not to love about that?

The Car Show

One of the coolest parts of the conference was the Car Show. Guys would bring their cars, whether classic restorations, fixed up modern-day cars or their personal cars and trucks. The goal of the show was to allow people to vote for their favorite, and the winner would get a large trophy. When I walked up, I saw the showcase of cars, and my excitement grew, because I saw photography gold.

A Different Angle

I've done car photography in the past, but capturing the whole car was always so overdone, it was kind of boring to me. I looked at some of my overall photos, and I was really not impressed, so I decided to focus on what makes the cars stand out: the details.

Want to Showcase Your Car?

This post was a short one, but I wanted to share these photos, because I am incredibly happy with these shots. What I want to do here in the conclusion is to reach out to those classic car owners. If you want to showcase your car, or you need photos of your car as you prepare to sell it, please reach out to me, I love capturing the beauty of vehicles, and I would be happy to talk with you about my services.